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SSB's staff is here to help with all your banking needs. As a longstanding, local business in the Pittsburgh area, we have continued to prove our dedication and investment to the city of Pittsburgh. Unlike some of the national competitors, like Bank of America and Chase Bank, that continue to pop up throughout the city, our local roots make us more knowledgeable about the true needs of our customers.

Photo of Wilson, Melanie

Melanie Wilson

Branch Manager - California Avenue
North Side Branch

Hometown:  Allison Park

Year joined SSB:  2019

Background Education or experience prior to your career at SSB:  10+ years of banking and mortgage

What are your responsibilities at the bank?  Run a Teller window and wait on customers, help and train my tellers, balance the vault and teller drawer, help with BSA and file CTR's, run reports (314A report from FINCEN, negative escrow report), process federal returns, clear ACH's and open new accounts. 

Who is your hero?  My Mom

What is one item on your bucket list?  Drive a racecar 

Organizations or Causes I Support:  Susan G Komen 

Office (412) 482 9010