Federal Home Loan Bank “First Front Door” Program
SSB Bank participates in the Federal Home Loan Bank “First Front Door” Program. This program helps us open the door for first-time homebuyers in the Pittsburgh area. For every $1 you contribute toward your down payment and closing costs, FFD will provide $3 in assistance, up to $5,000!
How Does the Process Work
Contact us for more information about the application process. You will complete a First Front Door application, and SSB will work with FHLBank to review your application and determine your eligibility within 10 days. If you are approved, you will have 6 months to complete your loan application with SSB, find your home, purchase your home, and complete four hours of homeownership counseling.
How To Qualify
To qualify, you must:
- Be a first time homebuyer (not a homeowner within the past three years or owned a home only while married, but not as a single person, within the past three years. This includes a married couple if either has not owned a home within the past three years)
- Be able to contribute personal funds toward the down payment and closing costs
- Have a household income at or below 80% of the area median income (details here)
- Attend at least 4 hours of homeownership training prior to purchase
- Work at least 30 hours a week if a student
How To Apply
The 2018 FFD funding round will open on April 4. Call Heather Dieckmann at (412) 322-9023, or stop in to discuss our mortgage process and ask for the First Front Door grant.